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Packages from cocur

Package Status
cocur/arff Dependency Badge
cocur/background-process Start processes in the background that continue running when the PHP process exists. Dependency Badge
cocur/chain Consistent and chainable array manipulation Dependency Badge
cocur/collection Dependency Badge
cocur/domain Check domain name availability and WHOIS Dependency Badge
cocur/ea Code generation for testing. Because mocks sometimes just don't cut it. Dependency Badge
cocur/human-date Transforms dates into a human-readable form Dependency Badge
cocur/nqm Named Query Manager helps you SQL organise queries in files. Dependency Badge
cocur/pli Pli is a library and set of conventions to bootstrap Console applications with Symfony Console, DependencyInjection and Config components. Dependency Badge
cocur/plum Plum is a data processing pipeline that helps you to write structured, reusable and well tested data processing code. Dependency Badge
cocur/slugify Converts a string into a slug. Dependency Badge
cocur/vale Vale is a helper utility that lets you get and set values in arbitrary nested arrays and objects. Dependency Badge
cocur/watchman PHP wrapper for facebook/watchman Dependency Badge