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Packages from cobweb

Package Status
cobweb/external_import Tool for importing data from external sources into the TYPO3 database, using an extended TCA syntax. Provides a BE module, a Scheduler task, a command-line tool, imports via URI call (Reaction) and an API. Dependency Badge
cobweb/externalimport_test Test data and scenarios for the External Import extension. Dependency Badge
cobweb/externalimport_tut Tutorial for the External Import extension. Contains the manual and the necessary files. Dependency Badge
cobweb/flush_language_cache Adds an item to the flush cache menu to clear just the language (l10n) cache. Also provides a command-line tool for that. Dependency Badge
cobweb/svconnector This family of services is used to connect to external data sources and fetch data from them. This is just a base class which cannot be used by itself. Implementations are done for specific subtypes. Dependency Badge
cobweb/svconnector_csv Connector service for reading a CSV or similar flat file Dependency Badge
cobweb/svconnector_feed Connector service for XML files or RSS feeds Dependency Badge
cobweb/svconnector_json Connector service for JSON data Dependency Badge
cobweb/svconnector_sql Connector service for any SQL-based database via Doctrine-DBAL. Dependency Badge