
6 total, 3 outdated, 1 unknown

Package Required Latest Status
psr/container Common Container Interface (PHP FIG PSR-11) ^1.0 2.0.2 outdated
psr/http-factory PSR-17: Common interfaces for PSR-7 HTTP message factories ^1.0 1.1.0 up to date
psr/http-message Common interface for HTTP messages ^1.0.1 2.0 outdated
psr/http-message-implementation Virtual implementation package for psr/http-message ^1.0 unknown
psr/http-server-middleware Common interface for HTTP server-side middleware ^1.0.1 1.0.2 up to date
psr/log Common interface for logging libraries ^1.1 3.0.2 outdated

Requires (dev)

8 total, 4 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
aura/router Powerful, flexible web routing for PSR-7 requests. ^3.1 3.3.0 up to date
chubbyphp/chubbyphp-mock Chubbyphp Mock ^1.4 1.8.0 up to date
infection/infection Infection is a Mutation Testing framework for PHP. The mutation adequacy score can be used to measure the effectiveness of a test set in terms of its ability to detect faults. ^0.12.2 0.29.12 outdated
nikic/fast-route Fast request router for PHP ^1.3 v1.3.0 up to date
phploc/phploc A tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project. ^5.0 7.0.2 outdated
phpstan/phpstan PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool ^0.11.5 2.1.6 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^8.1 12.0.4 outdated
zendframework/zend-diactoros PSR HTTP Message implementations ^2.1.1 2.2.1 up to date