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Packages from chh

Package Status
chh/bob A tiny and messy build automation tool for PHP projects. Dependency Badge
chh/cache-service-provider Provides easy to use caching for Silex applications, built on top of the doctrine/cache package Dependency Badge
chh/commander Makes calling system commands quick and easy. Dependency Badge
chh/einhorn Library for communicating with an Einhorn parent process. Dependency Badge
chh/eventor A sane interface to PHP's libevent extension. Dependency Badge
chh/fileutils Some utility functions for handling files Dependency Badge
chh/frozen-silex Turn your Silex Application into static HTML Dependency Badge
chh/funk A minimal functional programming library for PHP Dependency Badge
chh/httpfetch A library for simple HTTP requests (using Guzzle Ring) Dependency Badge
chh/itertools Common functional operations for iterators. Dependency Badge
chh/jazz When you do need to generate HTML with PHP. Dependency Badge
chh/kue A simple interface to multiple job queue implemenations Dependency Badge
chh/meta-template Templating solution with adapters to many engines. Dependency Badge
chh/mustache-js-compiler Compiles server-side Mustache templates to self-sufficient client-side JS functions Dependency Badge
chh/ooio Provides a lightweight, object-oriented interface to PHP's streams. Dependency Badge
chh/optparse Easy to use option parser. Dependency Badge
chh/pipe Put your assets into the Pipe and smoke them. Dependency Badge
chh/pipe-silex Silex Extension which integrates an Asset Pipeline Dependency Badge
chh/shellwords Lame port of Ruby's Shellwords.rb Dependency Badge
chh/sirel Flexible SQL builder which builds an Abstract Syntax Tree of SQL and dumps it. Dependency Badge
chh/stack-honeypot Sets up a form honeypot for spambots and redirects them to a blank page Dependency Badge