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Packages from charescape

Package Status
charescape/aliyun-credentials-php Alibaba Cloud Credentials for PHP Dependency Badge
charescape/backslasher Composer plugin that can adding backslashes to all PHP internal functions and constants. Dependency Badge
charescape/llphant LLPhant is a library to help you build Generative AI applications. Dependency Badge
charescape/php-functions Convenient and commonly used functions for PHP Dependency Badge
charescape/scribe Generate API documentation for humans from your Laravel codebase.✍ Dependency Badge
charescape/serialize-closure A library that can be used to serialize closures (anonymous functions) and arbitrary objects. Dependency Badge
charescape/simple-cryptor Dependency Badge
charescape/tencentcloud-sdk-php TencentCloudApi php sdk Dependency Badge
charescape/zii-devpack zii framework Dependency Badge