.Package | Status | |
charcoal/admin | The Charcoal Administration Dashboard | |
charcoal/app | Charcoal application, based on Slim 3 | |
charcoal/attachment | Charcoal Attachments Module | |
charcoal/boilerplate | A Charcoal Project Boilerplate | |
charcoal/cache | Charcoal service provider for the Stash Cache Library | |
charcoal/charcoal | The Charcoal Framework monorepo | |
charcoal/cms | Charcoal CMS (Content Management System) Module | |
charcoal/conductor | A CLI tool for interacting with your Charcoal projects. | |
charcoal/config | Charcoal component for configuration data and object modeling | |
charcoal/contrib-sitemap | Charcoal service for generating a sitemap. | |
charcoal/core | Charcoal Web Framework | |
charcoal/email | Email sending and queueing for Charcoal | |
charcoal/factory | Charcoal object creation (Factory, AbstractFactory, Builder, Class Resolver) | |
charcoal/image | PHP Image manipulation library | |
charcoal/object | Object (Content and UserData) definition and object behaviors and tools. | |
charcoal/property | Charcoal Property defines an object (provides metadata) | |
charcoal/queue | Queue, Queue items and Queueable objects for Charcoal | |
charcoal/translator | Charcoal service provider for translating messages and managing locales. | |
charcoal/ui | UI tools (Dashboard, Layout, Form and Menu) | |
charcoal/user | User definition, authentication and authorization. | |
charcoal/view | Charcoal View (templates rendering and tools) |