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Packages from causal

Package Status
causal/cas-sso This extension provides SSO support for TYPO3 by delegating the authentication of frontend and/or backend users to a CAS server. Dependency Badge
causal/causal_accounts This extension allows TYPO3 administrator accounts to be managed centrally and automatically synchronized with remote websites using a secure link. No need for complex LDAP / ActiveDirectory infrastructure. Dependency Badge
causal/cloudflare The Cloudflare TYPO3 extension ensures your TYPO3 website is running optimally on the Cloudflare platform. Dependency Badge
causal/css2inline Moves the styles from CSS sheets into inline CSS, in order to comply with uncooperative email clients. Can be used as a post-processing stdWrap in TypoScript. Dependency Badge
causal/dgc Library to decode Digital Green Certificates as defined by the eHealth Network Dependency Badge
causal/direct_mail_userfunc Adds support for external providers to Direct Mail. This extension extends the types of recipient lists handled by Direct Mail with an entry for parameterized custom lists. These custom lists are prepared by user functions and may easily reuse your own business logic. Dependency Badge
causal/doodle_client A small, lightweight library to interact with Doodle ( Dependency Badge
causal/easy_slug Updates the slug of a page automatically and logically when renaming a page or moving it around. Dependency Badge
causal/extractor This extension detects and extracts metadata (EXIF / IPTC / XMP / ...) from potentially thousand different file types (such as MS Word/Powerpoint/Excel documents, PDF and images) and bring them automatically and natively to TYPO3 when uploading assets. Works with built-in PHP functions but takes advantage of Apache Tika and other external tools for enhanced metadata extraction. Dependency Badge
causal/fal-protect Protect everything within /fileadmin/ based on associated folder and file restrictions (visibility, user groups and dates of publication). Dependency Badge
causal/file_list This extension provides a frontend plugin which shows a list of files and folders in a specified directory on the file system (comparable to Apache directory listing) or using more advanced FAL selectors (categories, collection of files, ...). This extension may also be used for creating image galleries. Dependency Badge
causal/fluid-standalone-renderer A rendering engine for Fluid standalone Dependency Badge
causal/ig_ldap_sso_auth This extension provides LDAP support for TYPO3 by delegating the authentication of frontend and/or backend users to the centrally-managed directory of your organization. It fully supports OpenLDAP and Active Directory and is capable of connecting securely to the authentication server using either TLS or SSL (ldaps://). In case of use in an intranet environment, this extension is a perfect match since it natively brings Single Sign-On (SSO) capability to TYPO3 without any complex configuration. Dependency Badge
causal/image_autoresize Simplify the way your editors may upload their images: no complex local procedure needed, let TYPO3 automatically resize down their huge images/pictures on-the-fly during upload (or using a command for batch processing) and according to your own business rules (directory/groups). This will highly reduce the footprint on your server and speed-up response time if lots of images are rendered (e.g., in a gallery). Features an EXIF/IPTC extractor to ensure metadata may be used by the FAL indexer even if not preserved upon resizing. Dependency Badge
causal/mfa-frontend Enable MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) for Frontend accounts. Dependency Badge
causal/mfa-protect Protect rendering of sensitive content elements with MFA. Dependency Badge
causal/mr_usrgrpmgmt This is a Backend-related extension to manage both Backend and Frontend users from the edit form of Backend/Frontend groups. Easily assign users to groups or remove them from groups. Dependency Badge
causal/oidc This extension uses OpenID Connect to authenticate users. Dependency Badge
causal/restdoc Seamlessly embeds Sphinx/reStructuredText-based documentation into your TYPO3 website. Instead of publishing your various manual, in-house documents, guides, references, ... solely as PDF, render them as JSON and use this extension to show them as part of your website to enhance the overall user experience and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Lets you merge the chapter structure with the breadcrumb menu and much more. Documentation styles automatically inherit from your corporate design. Dependency Badge
causal/routing Service to route HTTP/REST requests to your own controller/actions. Dependency Badge
causal/simple_api Service to route HTTP/REST requests to your own TYPO3 controllers. Dependency Badge
causal/sphinx Installs a full-fledged Sphinx environment within your TYPO3 website. Builds and renders Sphinx/reStructuredText-based projects such as extension manuals, official reference guides or your own in-house documents as HTML/JSON/PDF either from TYPO3 Backend or from command-line, as you prefer. Features a reStructuredText editor with cross-reference browser and syntax highlighting. Dependency Badge
causal/staffdirectory Directory of groups of persons and their department membership with RDFa support Dependency Badge
causal/staffdirectory-organization Additional information for managing organizations. Dependency Badge
causal/theodia Fetch data from to display the Mass schedule for the various places of worship in a parish or pastoral unit. Dependency Badge
causal/tscobj A plugin which lets you use any TypoScript object as a normal content element. Dependency Badge