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Packages from bushbaby

Package Status
bushbaby/bsb-doctrine-mysql-spacial BsbDoctrineSpacial is a ZF2 module that provides basic MySQL spatial data functionality. Dependency Badge
bushbaby/bsb-doctrine-translation-loader BsbDoctrineTranslationLoader is a ZF2 module that provides a doctrine powered translation loader. Dependency Badge
bushbaby/bsb-doctrine-translator BsbDoctrineTranslator is a ZF2 module that provides tools to manage translations stored with doctrine. Dependency Badge
bushbaby/bsb-localized-template-path-stack BsbLocalizedTemplatePathStack is a small ZF2 module that provides a template stack resolver which resolves to templates based on the current locale. Dependency Badge
bushbaby/bsb-translate-controller-plugin BsbTranslateControllerPlugin is a ZF2 module that provides controller plugin to expose the translator. Dependency Badge
bushbaby/diawi-uploader Uploads your mobile builds to Dependency Badge
bushbaby/doctrine-managerregistry-servicemanager An implementation of Doctrine's ManagerRegistry for the Laminas ServiceManager Dependency Badge
bushbaby/doctrine-reconnect Zend Framework 2 module which attempts to reconnect when the database has 'gone away' Dependency Badge
bushbaby/expose-fontawesome BsbFontAwesome is a ZF2 module that helps exposing the awesome font awesome project Dependency Badge
bushbaby/expose-greensock-js BsbExposeGreensockJS is a ZF2 module that helps exposing the greensock javascript library Dependency Badge
bushbaby/flysystem Laminas Framework module bridge for flysystem filesystem. Dependency Badge
bushbaby/flysystem-mysql-backup Utility to dump a MySql Database to an 'Flysystem' filesystem Dependency Badge
bushbaby/gaufrette A Zend Framework 2 module that provides easy configuration and access to the Gaufrette filesystem abstraction layer. Dependency Badge
bushbaby/php-cs-fixer-config PHP CS Fixer config Dependency Badge
bushbaby/slmqueuedoctrine-postponablejobstrategy BsbPostponableJobStrategy is a strategy for the SlmQueueDoctrine ZF2 module that provides the ability for jobs to postpone their execution until other jobs have successfully been processed. Dependency Badge
bushbaby/zf2-module-ideal-service iDealService is module for Zend Framework 2 that aims to free shop owners from specific acquirers 'lock-in'. Dependency Badge
bushbaby/zf2-module-phing-service Zend Framework 2 module for Phing, a PHP project build system or build tool based on Apache Ant. Dependency Badge
bushbaby/zf-oauth2-doctrine-mutatetablenames Module for Laminas API Tools's Doctrine OAuth2 Server Adapter so table names can be configured Dependency Badge