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Packages from briceburg

Package Status
briceburg/silverstripe-flexiaddress Add microdata friendly addresses and phone numbers to your SilverStripe objects. Dependency Badge
briceburg/silverstripe-flexichoice SilverStripe field for providing arbitrary text input or selecting from YAML configurable presets. Dependency Badge
briceburg/silverstripe-flexifields A collection of helpful SilverStripe fields, optionally leveraged by the flexi-* modules. Dependency Badge
briceburg/silverstripe-flexiform Add CMS configurable forms to your SilverStripe objects. Dependency Badge
briceburg/silverstripe-flexilink Link to SiteTree Pages, External URLs, YouTube Videos, &c. from a single, flexible SilverStripe field. Dependency Badge
briceburg/silverstripe-mailchimp-flexiform Nicely integrate MailChimp lists with SilverStripe FlexiForms. Includes support for Interest Groups & more. Dependency Badge
briceburg/silverstripe-pageholder Hide children from the CMS sitetree and allow management through a Versioned GridField. Think _BlogHolder_ but flexible and for any page type. Dependency Badge
briceburg/silverstripe-pickerfield GridField based management of has_one , has_many , and many_many relationship selection Dependency Badge
briceburg/silverstripe-sitemedia Add and manage a common library of Media from your Pages and DataObjects Dependency Badge