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Packages from bkwld

Package Status
bkwld/auto-publish Automatically publish all Laravel workbench assets on every request Dependency Badge
bkwld/cloner A trait for Laravel Eloquent models that lets you clone of a model and it's relationships, including files. Dependency Badge
bkwld/codebasehq Tools for integrating Laravel apps with CodebaseHQ features Dependency Badge
bkwld/craft-importable-shopify-feeds A Craft plugin that maps Shopify data into feeds that are more easily consumed by FeedMe. Dependency Badge
bkwld/craft-webhook-scheduler Checks pending entries to be able to post to a webhook after publishing them. Dependency Badge
bkwld/croppa Image thumbnail creation through specially formatted URLs for Laravel Dependency Badge
bkwld/decoy A Laravel model-based CMS by Bukwild Dependency Badge
bkwld/freezer Using Laravel, creates cached versions of full pages that can be served directly by Apache Dependency Badge
bkwld/laravel-haml Wraps MtHaml for ease use in Laravel Dependency Badge
bkwld/laravel-pug Pug view adapter for Laravel Dependency Badge
bkwld/library Misc PHP code Dependency Badge
bkwld/reporter Generate styled logs of Laravel 4 requests that include application timing, memory usage, input data, and sql queries Dependency Badge
bkwld/sitemap-from-routes Generate a sitemap directly from your route definitions Dependency Badge
bkwld/upchuck A simple, automatic handler of file uploads for Laravel's Eloquent models using using Flysystem. Dependency Badge