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Packages from bestit

Package Status
bestit/amazonpay4oxid This is the Amazon Pay module for the OXID eShop. Dependency Badge
bestit/commercetools-async-pool Batch-Processing of a pool asynchronous commercetools requests. Dependency Badge
bestit/commercetools-async-pool-bundle Provides the symfony structure to get the async request pool as a service and a symfony event listener flushing the pool automatically. Dependency Badge
bestit/commercetools-cleanup Shell app to clean up the commercetools database. Dependency Badge
bestit/commercetools-customer-prices-bundle Provides a commercetools substitute with custom objects to get customer individual prices. Dependency Badge
bestit/commercetools-custom-types-bundle Bundle to help you with the creation of custom types. Dependency Badge
bestit/commercetools-filter-bundle Commerce tools filter and search implementation Dependency Badge
bestit/commercetools-listing-slug-router-bundle A cmf router matching the slug to a found commercetools slug. Dependency Badge
bestit/commercetools-odm Makes the commercetools database accessible with the doctrine commons api. Dependency Badge
bestit/commercetools-odm-bundle Makes the commercetools database accessible with the doctrine commons api. Dependency Badge
bestit/commercetools-product-slug-router-bundle A cmf router matching the slug to a found commercetools slug. Dependency Badge
bestit/commercetools-xml-mapping-bundle This bundle provides you with a service, which maps xml nodes to properties of the commercetools models. Dependency Badge
bestit/contentful-bundle A simple contentful bundle providing you with an easy setup, easy contentmodels and a simple api providing the contentful contents as an array. Dependency Badge
bestit/contentful-translation-bundle A Translation bundle for loading messages from contentful Dependency Badge
bestit/ct-order-export-bundle Symfony 3 Bundle to export commercetools orders based on templates and a virtual file system. Dependency Badge
bestit/feature-toggle-bundle Feature toggle bundle on steroids. Dependency Badge
bestit/harvest-api Harvest API written in PHP, optimised for Laravel. Dependency Badge
bestit/hipchat-api Hipchat API written in PHP optimized for Laravel. Dependency Badge
bestit/kitchensink-bundle Helps you create a kitchensink incl. route, template and services. Dependency Badge
bestit/klarna-ordermanagement Klarna ordermanagement as a package for our Klarna plugins. Dependency Badge
bestit/laravel-flagception Laravel driver for the bestit/flagception-sdk Dependency Badge
bestit/mage-tasks Our usual best it tasks needed for building and deploying projects. Dependency Badge
bestit/odm-param-converter-bundle Provide a symfony param converter for the best it odm Dependency Badge
bestit/on-demand-assets-bundle This bundle provides you with an easy way to include assets on demand, but still include them in your header or footer. This can be used for your BEM blocks or facilitates HTTP2. Dependency Badge
bestit/php_codesniffer PHP_CodeSniffer ruleset and custom rules from best it. Dependency Badge
bestit/shopware-mage-tasks Common tasks to deploy a shopware project using MagePHP Dependency Badge