.Package | Status | |
bentools/api-first-bundle | Provides classes for API-first designed projects with Symfony. | |
bentools/api-platform-create-resource | Allows creating resources through PUT operations. | |
bentools/arraytools | Some extra functions to work with arrays. | |
bentools/bl4cklist-ch3ck3r | ||
bentools/cache | PSR-6 and PSR-16 Cache Adapters. | |
bentools/cartesian-product | A simple, low-memory footprint function to generate all combinations from a multi-dimensionnal array. | |
bentools/cpimport-bundle | Symfony Bundle - Use file watchers with MariaDb Columnstore CpImport utility | |
bentools/crontab-bundle | Generates a crontab based on the app directory. | |
bentools/csviterator | An easy way to iterate over a CSV file | |
bentools/currency | Currency management in PHP. | |
bentools/device-detector-bundle | ||
bentools/doctrine-changeset | Doctrine UnitOfWork helpers to access changesets in an easy way. | |
bentools/doctrine-native-enums | Provides 1st class suport for native PHP enums in Doctrine. | |
bentools/doctrine-safe-events | Fires postPersist / postUpdate / postRemove events AFTER the transaction has completed. | |
bentools/doctrine-static | Doctrine Static - Mock managers and repositories in simple arrays, without any database. | |
bentools/doctrine-ulid | ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier) support for Doctrine IDs | |
bentools/doctrine-watcher | Watch changes in your Doctrine entities to let you trigger custom events. | |
bentools/doctrine-watcher-bundle | Symfony Bundle for bentools/doctrine-watcher | |
bentools/etl | PHP ETL (Extract / Transform / Load) implementation, with very few dependencies. | |
bentools/etl-bundle | Symfony 2-3 bundle for bentools/etl. | |
bentools/flatten-iterator | Flattens Traversable or arrays into one iterator. | |
bentools/funnel-http-client | A throttler for symfony/http-client to handle rate limits | |
bentools/gmaps-api-sign-url | Sign Google Static Maps API Urls. No dependency. | |
bentools/guzzle-duration-middleware | A GuzzleHTTP Middleware that adds a X-Request-Duration header to all responses to monitor response times. | |
bentools/guzzle-queued | Queues asynchronous requests, handled by workers. | |
bentools/guzzle-queue-handler | A queue handler to process Guzzle 6+ requests within a work queue. | |
bentools/guzzle-throttle-middleware | A GuzzleHTTP Middleware that can delay requests before sending them. | |
bentools/helpfultraits | Some nice traits to use with Symfony. | |
bentools/hostname-extractor | Hostname extractor - A library to find parts of a hostname (suffix, tld, subdomain, ...) | |
bentools/iterable-functions | Provides functions for iterable variables: is_iterable(), iterable_to_array() | |
bentools/meilisearch-filters | Expression builder for Meilisearch filters. | |
bentools/mercure-php-hub | A PHP Implementation of the Mercure Hub protocol. | |
bentools/mysqliextended | An enhanced MySqli class | |
bentools/natural-cron-expression | A parser that converts natural language to a cron expression | |
bentools/oauth2-qivivo | Qivivo OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client | |
bentools/opencubes | ||
bentools/pager | A simple pager class with delta management | |
bentools/pdoextended | An enhanced PDO class | |
bentools/pest-api-platform | Api-Platform tools for Pest | |
bentools/pest-symfony-kernel | Symfony Kernel and dependency injection for Pest | |
bentools/picker | Helps you pick a random item with weight management. | |
bentools/proxy-server | A simple proxy server, written in Symfony 4.1. | |
bentools/psr6-redis-adapter | Provides a basic PSR-6 implementation for Redis. | |
bentools/psr7-request-matcher | A PSR-7 RequestMatcher interface for use into several projects. | |
bentools/pusher | PHP Asynchronous Push Notification management | |
bentools/pusher-bundle | Symfony bridge for bentools/pusher | |
bentools/qivivo-php | Unofficial PHP client for Qivivo Thermostat API | |
bentools/querystring | Query String manipulation library. PHP 7.1+. No dependency, immutable, PSR-7 compliant. | |
bentools/redis-psr6-ttl-aware-adapter | Override of Symfony PSR6 cache RedisAdapter, retrieving expiration on an existing item. | |
bentools/rewindable-generator | Now your generators become rewindable. | |
bentools/safe-sync-transport | Symfony Messenger safe synchronous transport. | |
bentools/set | The Set object lets you store unique values of any type, like in Javascript. | |
bentools/shh | A PHP library to encrypt/decrypt secrets using OpenSSL. | |
bentools/shh-bundle | A Symfony bundle to handle secrets. | |
bentools/simple-cli | A very lightweight CLI helper with almost no dependency. | |
bentools/simple-dbal | ||
bentools/simplexmlextended | Some extra functions to work with SimpleXml. | |
bentools/solarium-updater | An update handler for Solarium documents. | |
bentools/specification | Provides an implementation of the Specification Pattern. PHP7+ | |
bentools/split-test-analyzer | Bayesian probability calculator for split testing / AB testing. | |
bentools/sqldates | Magic __toString() functions on DateTime objects, for use in SQL statements. | |
bentools/sql-sorter | Use the power of SQL to sort data. | |
bentools/stoppable-event-trait | PSR-14 Stoppable Event implementation, shipped as a trait. | |
bentools/string-combinations | A simple, low-memory footprint function to generate all string combinations from a series of characters. | |
bentools/stringy | A string manipulation library with multibyte support | |
bentools/twig-extensions | Some twig extensions | |
bentools/uri-factory | PSR-7 URI factory | |
bentools/url | Url object representation | |
bentools/user-aware-command-bundle | Provides a user value to Doctrine Entities that implements Gedmo Blameable when using Console commands. | |
bentools/violin | A multibyte string manipulation library focused on performance. | |
bentools/webpack-encore-resolver | Standalone path resolver for Webpack Encore | |
bentools/webpush-bundle | Send push notifications through Web Push Protocol to your Symfony users. | |
bentools/where | PHP7.1 Fluent, immutable SQL query builder. Connectionless, framework-agnostic, no dependency. |