
7 total, 7 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer A tool to automatically fix PHP code style ^2.15 v3.70.0 outdated
phpstan/phpstan PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool ^0.11.8 2.1.6 outdated
phpstan/phpstan-doctrine Doctrine extensions for PHPStan ^0.11.5 2.0.1 outdated
phpstan/phpstan-symfony Symfony Framework extensions and rules for PHPStan ^0.11.6 2.0.2 outdated
symfony/phpunit-bridge Provides utilities for PHPUnit, especially user deprecation notices management ^4.0 v7.2.0 outdated
symfony/twig-bridge Provides integration for Twig with various Symfony components ^4.3 v7.2.2 outdated
symfony/yaml Loads and dumps YAML files ^4.0 v7.2.3 outdated

Requires (dev)

7 total, 7 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
doctrine/doctrine-bundle Symfony DoctrineBundle ^1.11 2.13.2 outdated
doctrine/orm Object-Relational-Mapper for PHP ^2.6 3.3.2 outdated
php-translation/extractor Extract translations form the source code ^1.7 2.2.1 outdated
symfony/form Allows to easily create, process and reuse HTML forms ^4.3 v7.2.3 outdated
symfony/translation Provides tools to internationalize your application ^4.3 v7.2.2 outdated
symfony/validator Provides tools to validate values ^4.3 v7.2.3 outdated
twig/twig Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP ^2.2 v3.20.0 outdated