
9 total, 7 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
doctrine/doctrine-bundle Symfony DoctrineBundle ^1.12.13 || ^2.5.0 2.13.2 up to date
doctrine/orm Object-Relational-Mapper for PHP ^2.11.1 3.3.2 outdated
dragonmantank/cron-expression CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due ^v2.3.1 v3.4.0 outdated
psr/log Common interface for logging libraries ^3.0.0 3.0.2 up to date
sentry/sentry-symfony Symfony integration for Sentry ( ^4.2.6 5.1.0 outdated
symfony/console Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces ^v5.4.3 || ^v6.0.3 v7.2.1 outdated
symfony/framework-bundle Provides a tight integration between Symfony components and the Symfony full-stack framework ^v5.4.3 || ^v6.0.3 v7.2.3 outdated
symfony/http-kernel Provides a structured process for converting a Request into a Response ^v5.4.3 || ^v6.0.3 v7.2.3 outdated
symfony/lock Creates and manages locks, a mechanism to provide exclusive access to a shared resource ^v5.4.3 || ^v6.0.3 v7.2.3 outdated

Requires (dev)

2 total, 1 outdated, 1 unknown

Package Required Latest Status
roave/security-advisories Prevents installation of composer packages with known security vulnerabilities: no API, simply require it dev-latest unknown
symfony/phpunit-bridge Provides utilities for PHPUnit, especially user deprecation notices management ^v5.4.3 || ^v6.0.3 v7.2.0 outdated