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Packages from becklyn

Package Status
becklyn/assets-bundle High-performance asset handling for symfony projects. Dependency Badge
becklyn/bootstrap-bundle This bundle provides the bootstrap library and some additional helpers Dependency Badge
becklyn/bugsnag-bundle This bundle provides a simple integration of Bugsnag into symfony. Dependency Badge
becklyn/cache A cache bundle providing a simple (and fast) cache Dependency Badge
becklyn/cert-key-matcher Checks that a certificate / key / csr matches in a given directory. Dependency Badge
becklyn/chlogstatus Generates a changelog from a commit range. Updates all jira tickets within that range with a deployment status. Dependency Badge
becklyn/cron-job Centralized cron job integration for Symfony apps. Dependency Badge
becklyn/ddd-core DDD framework for PHP Dependency Badge
becklyn/ddd-doctrine-bridge Doctrine implementation of event store and transaction manager for use with becklyn/ddd-core Dependency Badge
becklyn/ddd-file-store File storage engine used in Becklyn projects Dependency Badge
becklyn/ddd-gdpr-bundle GDPR compliance for Becklyn event sourcing Dependency Badge
becklyn/ddd-generator-bundle Code generator for common Domain Driven Design patterns in the Becklyn DDD framework. Dependency Badge
becklyn/ddd-symfony-bridge Symfony bridge for use with becklyn/ddd-core and becklyn/ddd-doctrine-bridge Dependency Badge
becklyn/deploy-message-generator A symfony CLI tool that automatically produces beautiful deployment messages. Dependency Badge
becklyn/diginights-api Abstraction layer for the Diginights API Dependency Badge
becklyn/domain-checker Checks domains and their A records. Dependency Badge
becklyn/entity-admin Provides functionality for handling entities in an admin backend. Dependency Badge
becklyn/eventor-symfony A minimalistic library for abstracting pub/sub operations (ported for Symfony) Dependency Badge
becklyn/facebook-bundle This bundle provides basic components for the usage with facebook Dependency Badge
becklyn/fix-ci Small CLI utility, that allows to run the tasks from common CI tools. Dependency Badge
becklyn/gluggi A tool which helps with developing templates in isolation Dependency Badge
becklyn/gluggi-app Standalone runnable app which implements becklyn/gluggi Dependency Badge
becklyn/gluggi-bundle Modular layout preview system, to be used within a symfony app. Dependency Badge
becklyn/hosting A symfony bundle that configures several hosting-related things. Dependency Badge
becklyn/html-builder Simple helpers for building HTML Dependency Badge
becklyn/icon-loader Icon Loader: loads (svg) icons from different directories, provides a twig function and caches them. Dependency Badge
becklyn/interfaces A collection of interfaces to provide interop of Becklyn libraries Dependency Badge
becklyn/javascript-context A way to send data from PHP to JavaScript. Dependency Badge
becklyn/javascript-routing A bundle that extracts routing information for usage in JavaScript. Dependency Badge
becklyn/menu Menu bundle for generating and rendering menus in Symfony. Dependency Badge
becklyn/messaging Dependency Badge
becklyn/mimeo Mimeo: copy (static) assets from NPM packages into your symfony project. Dependency Badge
becklyn/mobiledoc A PHP-based renderer for the mobiledoc format. Dependency Badge
becklyn/monitoring Default monitoring bundle for all applications by Becklyn. Dependency Badge
becklyn/ordered-form-bundle This bundle adds functionality for ordering form elements Dependency Badge
becklyn/page-tree-bundle This bundle provides a simple implementation of a tree built from routing configuration. Dependency Badge
becklyn/php-codesniffer-extensions CodeSniffer ruleset for the Becklyn coding standard Dependency Badge
becklyn/php-cs Config files for PHP code style Dependency Badge
becklyn/postal-code-proximity Calculates near postal codes (given, that a pre-generated postal code lookup database exists). Dependency Badge
becklyn/rad RAD related functionality for usage in Symfony. Dependency Badge
becklyn/rad-bundle This bundle provides basic components Dependency Badge
becklyn/rad-bundles Provides basic helpers for interacting with Symfony bundles. Dependency Badge
becklyn/rector A collection of various refactoring rules for projects that use Rector and mainly Symfony Dependency Badge
becklyn/robots-txt A library to build robots.txt Dependency Badge
becklyn/route-tree-bundle This bundle provides a simple implementation of a tree built from routing configuration. Dependency Badge
becklyn/schema-org Dependency Badge
becklyn/search-bundle Simply and automatically power your Symfony projects with Elasticsearch. Dependency Badge
becklyn/search-text-transformer A library that extracts plain text from HTML for usage in search engines (like Elasticsearch) Dependency Badge
becklyn/security-bundle Security related helpers for symfony apps. Dependency Badge
becklyn/slug Everything about slugs for Symfony. Dependency Badge
becklyn/static-roles-bundle This bundle provides a simple way to define all available roles and their hierarchy in your configuration Dependency Badge
becklyn/symfony-base Base classes and functionality for the Becklyn Symfony Edition Dependency Badge
becklyn/symfony-edition This is a fork of the Symfony standard edition, that automatically adds typical configuration settings as used by Becklyn. Dependency Badge
becklyn/symfony-skeleton Symfony skeleton for Becklyn projects Dependency Badge
becklyn/test-helpers Common test helpers Dependency Badge
becklyn/translations A bundle that extracts translations Dependency Badge
becklyn/translations-extractor Extracts translations from the given directory. Dependency Badge
becklyn/utilities Various utility classes used in Becklyn projects too small for their own libraries Dependency Badge
becklyn/vatin-bundle Symfony bundle for the VATIN library Dependency Badge
becklyn/video-platforms Several helpers for integrating video tools in your Symfony application. Dependency Badge
becklyn/webdav Lightweight WebDav client Dependency Badge
becklyn/yaml-parameters Composer script handling the dist parameters file. Dependency Badge