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Packages from beberlei

Package Status
beberlei/acme-pizza Dependency Badge
beberlei/assert Thin assertion library for input validation in business models. Dependency Badge
beberlei/azure-blob-storage Small library to access Microsoft Windows Azure Blob Storage with a Service or a StreamWrapper. Dependency Badge
beberlei/azure-distribution-bundle Integration of Windows Azure SDK and workflows into Symfony applications. Dependency Badge
beberlei/composer-monorepo-plugin Dependency Badge
beberlei/dbdeploy-php Dependency Badge
beberlei/doctrine2-symfony2-workshop A Doctrine2 Workshop application in combination with Symfony2 Dependency Badge
beberlei/doctrineextensions A set of extensions to Doctrine 2 that add support for additional query functions available in MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite. Dependency Badge
beberlei/hdrhistogram A PHP extension wrapper for the C hdrhistogram API. Dependency Badge
beberlei/hdrhistogram-php-stubs IDE stubs for beberlei/hdrhistogram-php Dependency Badge
beberlei/lite-cqrs Simple Command-Query-Responsibility-Segregation library. Dependency Badge
beberlei/loggly-bundle Bundle for Symfony2 that extends Monolog for Loggly support Dependency Badge
beberlei/metrics Simple library to talk to metrics collector services. Dependency Badge
beberlei/porpaginas Library that generically solves several pagination issues with DAO/repository abstractions. Dependency Badge
beberlei/symfony-azure-edition The "Symfony Azure Edition" distribution Dependency Badge
beberlei/tent-php PHP Application Client for the protocol Dependency Badge