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Packages from bartlett

Package Status
bartlett/box-manifest Creates manifests for a PHP Archive (PHAR) and the BOX project ( Dependency Badge
bartlett/docker-php-toolbox Helper to discover and install PHP extensions and/or tools Dependency Badge
bartlett/graph-plantuml-generator A PlantUML generator for graph-uml Dependency Badge
bartlett/graph-uml PHP library which helps you build UML diagrams. Dependency Badge
bartlett/monolog-callbackfilterhandler Monolog handler wrapper that filters records based on a list of callback functions Dependency Badge
bartlett/monolog-growlhandler Monolog handler that send notifications to Growl on Mac OS X and Windows Dependency Badge
bartlett/php-compatinfo Find out the minimum version and the extensions required for a piece of code to run Dependency Badge
bartlett/php-compatinfo-db Reference Database of all functions, constants, classes, interfaces on PHP standard distribution and about 110 extensions Dependency Badge
bartlett/php-reflect Adds the ability to reverse-engineer classes, interfaces, functions, constants, namespaces, traits and more. Dependency Badge
bartlett/phpunit-loggertestlistener PHPUnit Test Suite listener for compatible PSR-3 logger Dependency Badge
bartlett/sarif-php-converters Allows PHP projects to print a static code analysis report in SARIF format Dependency Badge
bartlett/sarif-php-sdk PHP library to create and manipulate SARIF logs Dependency Badge
bartlett/umlwriter Create UML class diagrams from your PHP source. Dependency Badge