
6 total, 5 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
illuminate/routing The Illuminate Routing package. 5.5.x|5.6.x|5.7.x|5.8.x v11.43.2 outdated
illuminate/session The Illuminate Session package. 5.5.x|5.6.x|5.7.x|5.8.x v11.43.2 outdated
illuminate/support The Illuminate Support package. 5.5.x|5.6.x|5.7.x|5.8.x v11.43.2 outdated
maximebf/debugbar Debug bar in the browser for php application ~1.15.0 v2.1.5 outdated
symfony/debug Provides tools to ease debugging PHP code ^3|^4 v4.4.44 up to date
symfony/finder Finds files and directories via an intuitive fluent interface ^3|^4 v7.2.2 outdated

Requires (dev)

1 total, 1 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
laravel/framework The Laravel Framework. 5.5.x v46011 outdated