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Packages from badoo

Package Status
badoo/jira-client Jira REST API client with comfortable wrappers for most commonly used API instances like issues, custom fields, components and so on Dependency Badge
badoo/liveprof A performance monitoring system for running on live sites Dependency Badge
badoo/liveprof-ui An aggregator and web interface for Live Profiler Dependency Badge
badoo/phpcf The formatter was created to basically only modify whitespaces, for example line feed, tabs, spaces, etc. Dependency Badge
badoo/soft-mocks The idea behind "Soft Mocks" - as opposed to "hardcore" mocks that work on the level of the PHP interpreter (runkit and uopz) - is to rewrite class code on the spot so that it can be inserted in any place. It works by rewriting code on the fly during file inclusion instead of using extensions like runkit or uopz. Dependency Badge