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Packages from b13

Package Status
b13/akamai Akamai CDN Adapter for purging TYPO3 caches Dependency Badge
b13/assetcollector Add CSS and SVG files and strings as inline style tag/inline svg to the html code. Dependency Badge
b13/authorized-preview Generate URLs to preview hidden languages without a backend login Dependency Badge
b13/azure-purge Azure CDN Adapter for purging TYPO3 caches Dependency Badge
b13/backendpreviews Enhanced Fluid based backend element previews Dependency Badge
b13/bolt Bolt - An easy TYPO3 integration basis Dependency Badge
b13/cloudflare-cdn Cloudflare CDN Adapter for purging TYPO3 caches Dependency Badge
b13/codeblock Custom Content Type for code snippet elements to show text with code highlighting in TYPO3. Dependency Badge
b13/collapse Collapse large content element previews in TYPO3's Page Module Dependency Badge
b13/container Create Custom Container Content Elements for TYPO3 Dependency Badge
b13/container-example Example for EXT:container Dependency Badge
b13/content-sync Sync Database Tables and Files between two TYPO3 Installations Dependency Badge
b13/cta Adds a CTA Content-type to tt_content Dependency Badge
b13/de-slash In case you do not want to havea trailing slash in your URLs, this extension will remove it Dependency Badge
b13/distributed-flysystem Syncs files between frontend nodes in a multi-head environment based on PHP League / Flysystem Dependency Badge
b13/distributed-locks Adds a Redis Locking Strategy for TYPO3 frontend page generation, useful on distributed systems with NFS. Dependency Badge
b13/doktypemapper Maps your page.doktype to page.backend_layout Dependency Badge
b13/environment Configure multiple environments for TYPO3 Dependency Badge
b13/evergreen-errors Custom Error Handling for TYPO3 Dependency Badge
b13/format Dependency Badge
b13/form-custom-templates Enable custom templates for emails sent using TYPO3\'s form framework email finishers Dependency Badge
b13/geocoding Services for using geocoding from Google inside TYPO3 database records Dependency Badge
b13/graceful-cache TYPO3 cache backends which do not always have to be enabled Dependency Badge
b13/headertypes Add a separate header type field to tt_content for headers and subheaders Dependency Badge
b13/host-variants Extends the base variants condition with current host. Dependency Badge
b13/http2 Speed up TYPO3 rendering via HTTP/2 Server Push Dependency Badge
b13/hydra Allows adding response headers through site config. Dependency Badge
b13/justincase With incoming URLs, it does not matter if they are upper/lowercase, they just work. Dependency Badge
b13/l10n-translator Translate l10n files (label files) in a TYPO3 backend module. Maintain l10n folder with CLI tasks. Dependency Badge
b13/link2language Set Links with a specific language parameter Dependency Badge
b13/listelements Adds list elements to tt_content Dependency Badge
b13/magnets Magnets: TYPO3 Service Package revolving around having a good API to fetch the current Geo IP and its location of the user. Dependency Badge
b13/make Kickstarter CLI tool for various TYPO3 functionalities Dependency Badge
b13/masi TYPO3 Extend URL generation to optionally include storage folders. Dependency Badge
b13/memolist A simple TYPO3 Extension using the TYPO3 Frontend session to save data. Dependency Badge
b13/menus Easy and fast menus for TYPO3 Frontends Dependency Badge
b13/newspage Adds a new page doktype for news. Dependency Badge
b13/online-media-updater Update YouTube/Vimeo preview images Dependency Badge
b13/otf Provides on-the-fly evaluation hints for FormEngine Dependency Badge
b13/pagetsconfig Advanced configuration options for Page TsConfig Dependency Badge
b13/pdfreactor Library for the PDFreactor PHP wrapper Dependency Badge
b13/permission-sets Allows for deployable and re-usable permission sets for backend users Dependency Badge
b13/picture Improved TYPO3 image ViewHelper creating picture elements with support for sizes, sources, additional image formats, etc. Dependency Badge
b13/poster-image Sometimes you just need a poster image (for videos) ... in TYPO3 Dependency Badge
b13/processed-file-rename Rename processed files when a file is renamed Dependency Badge
b13/proxycachemanager TYPO3 Extension that automatically flushes cached URLs within a proxy / CDN. Dependency Badge
b13/richtextinputfields Rich text editor for input fields. Dependency Badge
b13/seo_basics Basic SEO features for TYPO3 Dependency Badge
b13/sessionpassword Session Password Dependency Badge
b13/simpleevents Add events in a simple way Dependency Badge
b13/sitemap-inspector TYPO3 Extension that compares 2 XML sitemaps Dependency Badge
b13/slash-force Forces a slash on URLs by redirecting. Dependency Badge
b13/slimphp-bridge Provides a middleware for registering Slim PHP applications within TYPO3 Frontend Sites Dependency Badge
b13/slugr Change Slugs of Pages with Redirects Dependency Badge
b13/snipper Keep external links secure by adding rel="noopener" to all external typolinks. Dependency Badge
b13/tag Manage tags in TYPO3 Core Dependency Badge
b13/tax Manage tags in TYPO3 Core Dependency Badge
b13/text-tracks Add Text Track Files (CTT) to videos within TYPO3 Dependency Badge
b13/trusted-url-params TYPO3 Extension to ensure that only safe queryParams from TYPO3s Routing are added to generated links Dependency Badge
b13/twentythree Provides an online media provider for the TwentyThree Video Marketing Platform Dependency Badge
b13/twoclickmedia Enable external youtube and vimeo videos only on click for TYPO3 Dependency Badge
b13/typo3-composerize Prepare TYPO3 extensions for composer Dependency Badge
b13/typo3-config Fluent API to set environment-specific configuration for TYPO3 Dependency Badge
b13/umami Umami Tracking for your TYPO3 site Dependency Badge
b13/uniquealiasmapper Registers a Mapper for URL enhancements Dependency Badge
b13/unlocalizedcrop Disables cropping for translated records. Cropping of localized records are automatically taken from the original language Dependency Badge
b13/vh_imagedata Viewhelper for accessing data of a (processed) image for further use (like <img>-tag w/ lazy loading etc.) Dependency Badge
b13/warmup This extension adds a CLI script to warmup the caches. Dependency Badge
b13/xray X-Rays your TYPO3 installation. Suggests and performs improvements. Dependency Badge