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Packages from azjezz

Package Status
azjezz/assess Unix filesystem notification library for PHP Dependency Badge
azjezz/hack-library Hack Library Skeleton Dependency Badge
azjezz/hack-routing Fast, type-safe request routing, parameter retrieval, and link generation. Dependency Badge
azjezz/hh-to-hack a really small tool to migrate from .hh and .php to .hack files extension in hack lang. Dependency Badge
azjezz/http-normalizer Normalize Http super globals Dependency Badge
azjezz/input-hydrator Hydrates input DTOs from request input. Dependency Badge
azjezz/input-hydrator-bundle Hydrates input DTOs from request input. Dependency Badge
azjezz/mutex Mutex Locking for hack projects Dependency Badge
azjezz/psl PHP Standard Library Dependency Badge
azjezz/roew Hack-like ResultOrExceptionWrapper Dependency Badge
azjezz/sweet Sweet ! a strict typed hack service container and locator. Dependency Badge
azjezz/tarry Dependency Badge
azjezz/toml A TOML ( Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language ) parser implementation for data serialization and deserialization in PHP Dependency Badge
azjezz/typed Typed variables for PHP 7.4+ Dependency Badge
azjezz/waffle Hack framework for building web applications with expressive, elegant syntax. Dependency Badge