.Package | Status | |
automattic/ad-code-manager | Easy ad code management | |
automattic/advanced-post-cache | Cache post queries for WordPress | |
automattic/automattic-for-agencies-client | Easily connect your clients sites to the Automattic for Agencies portal and enable portal features like plugin updates, downtime monitoring, and more. | |
automattic/babel-plugin-replace-textdomain | A Babel plugin to replace the textdomain in gettext-style function calls. | |
automattic/co-authors-plus | Multiple bylines and Guest Authors for WordPress | |
automattic/domain-services-client | Client library for Automattic's Domain Services API. | |
automattic/edit-flow | WordPress plugin to accelerate your editorial workflow. | |
automattic/eslint-changed | description | |
automattic/eslint-config-target-es | ||
automattic/ignorefile | Handle .gitignore style files. | |
automattic/jetpack | Jetpack supercharges your self‑hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of | |
automattic/jetpack-a8c-mc-stats | Used to record internal usage stats for Automattic. Not visible to site owners. | |
automattic/jetpack-abtest | Provides an interface to the A/B tests. | |
automattic/jetpack-account-protection | Account protection | |
automattic/jetpack-action-bar | An easy way for visitors to follow, like, and comment on your site. | |
automattic/jetpack-admin-ui | Generic Jetpack wp-admin UI elements | |
automattic/jetpack-analyzer | Analyze differences between Jetpack versions | |
automattic/jetpack-assets | Asset management utilities for Jetpack ecosystem packages | |
automattic/jetpack-autoloader | Creates a custom autoloader for a plugin or theme. | |
automattic/jetpack-backup | Tools to assist with backing up Jetpack sites. | |
automattic/jetpack-backup-helper-script-manager | Install / delete helper script for backup and transport server. Not visible to site owners. | |
automattic/jetpack-base-styles | Jetpack components Base Styles | |
automattic/jetpack-blaze | Attract high-quality traffic to your site using Blaze. | |
automattic/jetpack-blocks | Register and manage blocks within a plugin. Used to manage block registration, enqueues, and more. | |
automattic/jetpack-boost-core | Core functionality for boost and relevant packages to depend on | |
automattic/jetpack-boost-score-api | A package to get the Jetpack Boost score of a site | |
automattic/jetpack-boost-speed-score | A package that handles the API to generate the speed score. | |
automattic/jetpack-calypsoify | Calypsoify is designed to make sure specific wp-admin pages include navigation that prioritizes the Calypso navigation experience. | |
automattic/jetpack-changelogger | Jetpack Changelogger tool. Allows for managing changelogs by dropping change files into a changelog directory with each PR. | |
automattic/jetpack-chatbot | Helpful chatbots for you and your visitors | |
automattic/jetpack-classic-theme-helper | Features used with classic themes | |
automattic/jetpack-codesniffer | Jetpack Coding Standards. Based on the WordPress Coding Standards, with some additions. | |
automattic/jetpack-compat | Compatibility layer with previous versions of Jetpack | |
automattic/jetpack-composer-plugin | A custom installer plugin for Composer to move Jetpack packages out of `vendor/` so WordPress's translation infrastructure will find their strings. | |
automattic/jetpack-config | Jetpack configuration package that initializes other packages and configures Jetpack's functionality. Can be used as a base for all variants of Jetpack package usage. | |
automattic/jetpack-connection | Everything needed to connect to the Jetpack infrastructure | |
automattic/jetpack-connection-ui | Jetpack Connection UI | |
automattic/jetpack-constants | A wrapper for defining constants in a more testable way. | |
automattic/jetpack-device-detection | A way to detect device types based on User-Agent header. | |
automattic/jetpack-error | Jetpack Error - a wrapper around WP_Error. | |
automattic/jetpack-explat | A package for running A/B tests on the Experimentation Platform (ExPlat) in the plugin. | |
automattic/jetpack-external-media | The external media feature allows users to select and import photos from external media | |
automattic/jetpack-forms | Jetpack Forms | |
automattic/jetpack-google-analytics | Set up Google Analytics without touching a line of code. | |
automattic/jetpack-google-fonts-provider | WordPress Webfonts provider for Google Fonts | |
automattic/jetpack-heartbeat | This adds a cronjob that sends a batch of internal automattic stats to once a day | |
automattic/jetpack-identity-crisis | Identity Crisis. | |
automattic/jetpack-image-cdn | Serve images through Jetpack's powerful CDN | |
automattic/jetpack-image-guide | Go through the dom to analyze image size on screen vs actual file size. | |
automattic/jetpack-import | Set of REST API routes used in WPCOM Unified Importer. | |
automattic/jetpack-ip | Utilities for working with IP addresses. | |
automattic/jetpack-jitm | Just in time messages for Jetpack | |
automattic/jetpack-launchpad | Start your website with the essentials. | |
automattic/jetpack-lazy-images | Speed up your site and create a smoother viewing experience by loading images as visitors scroll down the screen, instead of all at once. Modern browsers now support lazy loading, and WordPress itself bundles lazy loading features for images and videos. This feature will consequently be deprecated in November 2023. | |
automattic/jetpack-licensing | Everything needed to manage Jetpack licenses client-side. | |
automattic/jetpack-logo | A logo for Jetpack | |
automattic/jetpack-masterbar | The Toolbar feature replaces the default admin bar and offers quick links to the Reader, all your sites, your profile, and notifications. | |
automattic/jetpack-mu-wpcom | Enhances your site with features powered by | |
automattic/jetpack-my-jetpack | WP Admin page with information and configuration shared among all Jetpack stand-alone plugins | |
automattic/jetpack-options | A wrapper for wp-options to manage specific Jetpack options. | |
automattic/jetpack-partner | Support functions for Jetpack hosting partners. | |
automattic/jetpack-password-checker | Password Checker. | |
automattic/jetpack-phan-plugins | Phan plugins created for the Jetpack monorepo. | |
automattic/jetpack-plans | Fetch information about Jetpack Plans from wpcom | |
automattic/jetpack-plugin-deactivation | Ask for feedback while deactivating a plugin | |
automattic/jetpack-plugins-installer | Handle installation of plugins from | |
automattic/jetpack-post-list | Enhance the classic view of the Admin section of your WordPress site | |
automattic/jetpack-promote-posts | Attract high-quality traffic to your site using Promoted Posts. | |
automattic/jetpack-protect-models | This package contains the models used in Protect. | |
automattic/jetpack-protect-status | This package contains the Protect Status API functionality to retrieve a site's scan status (WordPress, Themes, and Plugins threats). | |
automattic/jetpack-publicize | Publicize makes it easy to share your site’s posts on several social media networks automatically when you publish a new post. | |
automattic/jetpack-publicize-components | A library of JS components required by the Publicize editor plugin | |
automattic/jetpack-redirect | Utilities to build URLs to the service | |
automattic/jetpack-remove-asset-webpack-plugin | A Webpack plugin to remove assets from the build. | |
automattic/jetpack-roles | Utilities, related with user roles and capabilities. | |
automattic/jetpack-schema | Define a schema to validate or sanitize data in php | |
automattic/jetpack-script-data | A library to provide data for script handles and the corresponding utility functions for Jetpack. | |
automattic/jetpack-search | Tools to assist with enabling cloud search for Jetpack sites. | |
automattic/jetpack-search-plugin | A cloud-powered replacement for WordPress' search. | |
automattic/jetpack-shared-extension-utils | Utility functions used by the block editor extensions | |
automattic/jetpack-skeleton | Creates a base project for a Jetpack project. | |
automattic/jetpack-social | Social plugin | |
automattic/jetpack-sso | Allow users to log in to this site using accounts | |
automattic/jetpack-standards | Adds basic Jetpack standards to a project. | |
automattic/jetpack-stats | Collect valuable traffic stats and insights. | |
automattic/jetpack-stats-admin | Stats Dashboard | |
automattic/jetpack-status | Used to retrieve information about the current status of Jetpack and the site overall. | |
automattic/jetpack-stub-generator | Extract stubs for specific functions/classes/etc from a codebase. | |
automattic/jetpack-sync | Everything needed to allow syncing to the infrastructure. | |
automattic/jetpack-terms-of-service | Everything need to manage the terms of service state. This is a deprecated package, use automattic/jetpack-connection. | |
automattic/jetpack-tracking | Tracking for Jetpack | |
automattic/jetpack-transport-helper | Package to help transport server communication | |
automattic/jetpack-videopress | VideoPress package | |
automattic/jetpack-videopress-core | VideoPress Core Functionality | |
automattic/jetpack-videopress-plugin | High quality, ad-free video. | |
automattic/jetpack-waf | Tools to assist with the Jetpack Web Application Firewall | |
automattic/jetpack-wordads | Earn income by allowing Jetpack to display high quality ads. | |
automattic/jetpack-wp-js-data-sync | A package to setup REST API and script localization to pass data to a JavaScript client. | |
automattic/jetpack-yoast-promo | Components used to promote Yoast as part of our collaboration | |
automattic/liveblog | Liveblogging done right. Using WordPress. | |
automattic/maintenance-mode-wp | Shut down your site for a little while and do some maintenance on it! | |
automattic/msm-sitemap | Comprehensive sitemaps for your VIP site. | |
automattic/patchwork-redefine-exit | Use antecedent/patchwork to redefine `exit` and `die` for more robust PHPUnit testing. | |
automattic/phpcs-cobalt-ruleset | ||
automattic/phpcs-cobalt-standard | A set of phpcs sniffs for modern php development. | |
automattic/phpcs-neutron-ruleset | A PHPCS meta-ruleset for WordPress development | |
automattic/phpcs-neutron-standard | A set of phpcs sniffs for modern php development. | |
automattic/phpdoc-markdown | phpDocumentor v3 template that generates Markdown documentation for Github. | |
automattic/php-thrift-sql | A PHP library for connecting to Hive or Impala over Thrift | |
automattic/phpunit-select-config | Run PHPUnit, choosing a configuration file by version. | |
automattic/scheduled-updates | Runs plugin and (eventually) theme updates on a set schedule. | |
automattic/sliding-window-counter | Sliding window counter | |
automattic/stream-builder | A library for generating a stream of content from a variety of sources. | |
automattic/vaultpress | VaultPress is a subscription service offering real-time backup, automated security scanning, and support from WordPress experts. | |
automattic/vip-build-tools | A collection of helpful build scripts for the WordPress VIP staff. | |
automattic/vip-go-mu-plugins | The mu-plugins that power the VIP Go Platform | |
automattic/vipwpcs | PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress VIP minimum coding conventions | |
automattic/wistia-php | PHP wrapper for Wistia API | |
automattic/woocommerce | A PHP wrapper for the WooCommerce REST API | |
automattic/woocommerce-analytics | Enhanced analytics for WooCommerce users. | |
automattic/wordbless | WorDBless allows you to use WordPress core functions in your PHPUnit tests without having to set up a database and the whole WordPress environment | |
automattic/wpcom-legacy-redirector | WordPress plugin for handling large volumes of legacy redirects in a scalable manner. | |
automattic/wpcom-migration | A WordPress plugin that helps users to migrate their sites to | |
automattic/zoninator | Zone Editor |