
15 total, all up-to-date

Package Required Latest Status
aura/autoload Provides a PSR-4 compliant autoloader implementation. >=1.0.0 2.0.4 up to date
aura/cli Provides the equivalent of request (Context) and response (Stdio) classes for a command line environment, including Getopt support. >=1.0.0 2.2.0 up to date
aura/di A serializable dependency injection container with constructor and setter injection, interface and trait awareness, configuration inheritance, and much more. >=1.0.0 5.0.8 up to date
aura/filter Filters to validate and sanitize objects and arrays. >=1.0.0beta1 2.3.1 up to date
aura/http The Aura HTTP package provides objects to build and send HTTP requests and responses. >=1.0.0 1.0.3 up to date
aura/installer-default Installs Aura packages using the Composer defaults. >=1.0.0 1.0.0 up to date
aura/intl The Aura Intl package provides internationalization tools, specifically message translation. >=1.0.0beta1 3.0.1 up to date
aura/marshal The Aura Marshal package is a data-object marshalling tool; it takes results from data sources and marshals those result sets into domain model objects of your own design, preserving data relationships along the way. >=1.0.0 4.0.3 up to date
aura/router Powerful, flexible web routing for PSR-7 requests. >=1.0.0 3.4.0 up to date
aura/session Provides session management functionality, including lazy session starting, session segments, next-request-only ("flash") values, and CSRF tools. >=1.0.0beta1 4.0.0 up to date
aura/signal A SignalSlots/EventHandler implementation for PHP; with it, we can invoke handlers ("slots" or "hooks") whenever an object sends a signal ("notification" or "event") to the signal manager. >=1.0.0 1.0.4 up to date
aura/sql A PDO extension that provides lazy connections, array quoting, query profiling, value binding, and convenience methods for common fetch styles. Because it extends PDO, existing code that uses PDO can use this without any changes to the existing code. >=1.0.0 6.0.0 up to date
aura/uri The Aura Uri package provides objects to build and manipulate URL strings. >=1.0.0 2.0.0 up to date
aura/view Provides an implementation of the TemplateView and TwoStepView patterns, with support for helpers and for closures as templates, using PHP itself as the templating language. >=1.0.0 2.4.0 up to date
aura/web Provides web Request and Response objects for use by web controllers and actions. These are representations of the PHP web environment, not HTTP request and response objects proper. >=1.0.0 2.2.1 up to date

Requires (dev)

No required development dependencies.