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Packages from arrilot

Package Status
arrilot/bitrix-blade Dependency Badge
arrilot/bitrix-cacher Dependency Badge
arrilot/bitrix-collectors Dependency Badge
arrilot/bitrix-data-anonymization Bitrix bridge for arrilot/data-anonymization Dependency Badge
arrilot/bitrix-hermitage Dependency Badge
arrilot/bitrix-hlblock-fields-fixer Dependency Badge
arrilot/bitrix-iblock-helper Dependency Badge
arrilot/bitrix-migrations Database migrations for Bitrix CMS Dependency Badge
arrilot/bitrix-models Dependency Badge
arrilot/bitrix-sync Dependency Badge
arrilot/bitrix-systemcheck Dependency Badge
arrilot/bitrix-tinker Dependency Badge
arrilot/collectors Dependency Badge
arrilot/data-anonymization Anonymize any data in your SQL database Dependency Badge
arrilot/dotenv-php Dependency Badge
arrilot/google-recaptcha Dependency Badge
arrilot/laravel-api-generator Two simple tools for building REST APIs with fractal: console generator and API skeleton Dependency Badge
arrilot/laravel-data-anonymization Laravel bridge for arrilot/data-anonymization Dependency Badge
arrilot/laravel-systemcheck Dependency Badge
arrilot/laravel-widgets A powerful alternative to view composers. Asynchronous widgets, reloadable widgets, console generator, caching - everything you can think of. Dependency Badge
arrilot/logs Dependency Badge
arrilot/sessions Use Laravel session Api to work with plain old PHP sessions in any project Dependency Badge
arrilot/slim-api-controller Simple base api controller for Dependency Badge
arrilot/vue-templates-in-php A simple package to manage vue components' templates in php Dependency Badge