
1 total, 1 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
typo3/cms-core TYPO3 CMS Core ^9.5 || ^10.4 || ^11.0 v13.4.2 outdated

Requires (dev)

7 total, 6 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
armin/editorconfig-cli EditorConfigCLI is a free CLI tool (written in PHP) to validate and auto-fix text files based on given .editorconfig declarations. ^1.5 2.0.1 outdated
friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer A tool to automatically fix PHP code style ^3.1 v3.65.0 up to date
jangregor/phpstan-prophecy Provides a phpstan/phpstan extension for phpspec/prophecy ^0.8 2.0.0 outdated
phpstan/phpstan PHPStan - PHP Static Analysis Tool ^0.12.98 2.0.4 outdated
saschaegerer/phpstan-typo3 TYPO3 CMS class reflection extension for PHPStan ^0.13 1.10.2 outdated
t3/cms Extended typo3/minimal meta package, including typo3_console. ^10.4 13.0.0 outdated
typo3/cms-linkvalidator TYPO3 CMS LinkValidator - Checks for broken links and displays results in the (Info>LinkValidator) backend module. ^10.4 v13.4.2 outdated