
No required dependencies.

Requires (dev)

7 total, 5 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
escapestudios/symfony2-coding-standard CodeSniffer ruleset for the Symfony 2+ coding standard ~3.0 3.15.0 up to date
phpmetrics/phpmetrics Static analyzer tool for PHP : Coupling, Cyclomatic complexity, Maintainability Index, Halstead's metrics... and more ! ^2.0 v2.8.2 up to date
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ^8.0 | ^9.0 12.0.4 outdated
psr/simple-cache Common interfaces for simple caching ~1.0 3.0.0 outdated
web-token/jwt-key-mgmt [DEPRECATED] Please use web-token/jwt-library instead. ~2.0 4.0.0 outdated
web-token/jwt-signature [DEPRECATED] Please use web-token/jwt-library instead. ~2.0 4.0.0 outdated
web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-ecdsa [DEPRECATED] Please use web-token/jwt-library instead. ~2.0 4.0.0 outdated