
19 total, 14 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
andrewsville/php-token-reflection Library emulating the PHP internal reflection using just the tokenized source code. ~1.4 1.4.0 up to date
apigen/theme-bootstrap Twitter Bootstrap theme for ApiGen ~1.1.2 v2.0.0 outdated
apigen/theme-default Default theme for ApiGen ~1.0.1 v1.0.2 up to date
herrera-io/phar-update A library for self-updating Phars. ~2.0 2.0.0 up to date
kdyby/events Events for Nette Framework ~2.0 v5.0.1 outdated
kukulich/fshl FSHL is a free, open source, universal, fast syntax highlighter written in PHP. ~2.1 2.1.0 up to date
latte/latte ☕ Latte: the intuitive and fast template engine for those who want the most secure PHP sites. Introduces context-sensitive escaping. >=2.2.0,<2.3.5 v3.0.15 outdated
michelf/php-markdown PHP Markdown ~1.4 2.0.0 outdated
nette/application 🏆 Nette Application: a full-stack component-based MVC kernel for PHP that helps you write powerful and modern web applications. Write less, have cleaner code and your work will bring you joy. ~2.2 v3.2.3 outdated
nette/bootstrap 🅱 Nette Bootstrap: the simple way to configure and bootstrap your Nette application. ~2.2 v3.2.3 outdated
nette/di 💎 Nette Dependency Injection Container: Flexible, compiled and full-featured DIC with perfectly usable autowiring and support for all new PHP features. ~2.2 v3.2.1 outdated
nette/mail 📧 Nette Mail: handy email creation and transfer library for PHP with both text and MIME-compliant support. ~2.2 v4.0.2 outdated
nette/neon 🍸 Nette NEON: encodes and decodes NEON file format. ~2.2 v3.4.1 outdated
nette/robot-loader 🍀 Nette RobotLoader: high performance and comfortable autoloader that will search and autoload classes within your application. ~2.2 v4.0.1 outdated
nette/safe-stream Nette SafeStream: provides isolation for thread safe manipulation with files via native PHP functions. ~2.2 v3.0.1 outdated
symfony/console Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces ~2.6 v7.0.7 outdated
symfony/options-resolver Provides an improved replacement for the array_replace PHP function ~2.6.1 v7.0.7 outdated
symfony/yaml Loads and dumps YAML files ~2.6 v7.0.7 outdated
tracy/tracy 😎 Tracy: the addictive tool to ease debugging PHP code for cool developers. Friendly design, logging, profiler, advanced features like debugging AJAX calls or CLI support. You will love it. ~2.2 v2.10.7 up to date

Requires (dev)

2 total, 1 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
herrera-io/box A library for simplifying the PHAR build process. ~1.6 1.6.1 up to date
mockery/mockery Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework ~0.9 1.6.11 outdated