3 total, 2 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
doctrine/doctrine-orm-module | Laminas Module that provides Doctrine ORM functionality | ^1.2 || ^2.1 | 6.3.0 | outdated |
gianarb/angry | A collection of traits to defend classes from mis-use. | ^0.1.1 | 1.0.0 | outdated |
zendframework/zend-servicemanager | Factory-Driven Dependency Injection Container | ^3.0 | 3.4.0 | up to date |
4 total, 1 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
api-skeletons/coding-standard | The phpcs coding standard for API Skeletons | ^1.0 | 1.0.2 | up to date |
phpunit/phpunit | The PHP Unit Testing framework. | ^5.7 | 12.0.4 | outdated |
squizlabs/php_codesniffer | PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. | ^3.0 | 3.11.3 | up to date |
zendframework/zend-test | Tools to facilitate unit testing of zend-mvc applications | ^2.6 || ^3.1 | 3.3.0 | up to date |