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Packages from alleyinteractive

Package Status
alleyinteractive/alley-coding-standards PHPCS sniffs for Alley Interactive Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/archiveless WordPress plugin to hide posts from archives (lists) Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/byline-manager Byline Manager Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/cache-collector Dynamic cache key collector for easy purging Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/composer-wordpress-autoloader Autoload files using WordPress File Conventions using Composer Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/create-wordpress-plugin A skeleton WordPress plugin Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/create-wordpress-theme A skeleton WordPress theme Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/elasticsearch-extensions A WordPress plugin to make integrating sites with Elasticsearch easier. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/es-wp-query Elasticsearch Wrapper for WP_Query Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/expiring-posts Automatically Expire Posts Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/feed-consumer Ingest external feeds and other data sources into WordPress Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/internal-flags Use a hidden taxonomy to improve expensive queries. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/laminas-validator-extensions Additional validation classes for the laminas-validator framework. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/logger A Monolog-based logging tool for WordPress. Supports storing log message in a custom post type or in individual posts and terms. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/mantle A site using the Mantle framework for WordPress Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/mantle-browser-testing Mantle Browser Testing Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/mantle-framework A framework for powerful WordPress development Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/mantle-installer Mantle Installer Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/meta-inspector View various types of meta data about WordPress objects to assist debugging. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/pest-plugin-wordpress WordPress Pest Integration Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/simple-laravel-roles Simple PHP-based permissions in Laravel Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/stage-file-proxy Get only the files you need from your production environment into your WordPress development environment. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/traverse-reshape Safely break down arrays or objects, and put them back together in new shapes. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wordpress-autoloader Autoload files using WordPress File Conventions Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wordpress-fieldmanager A library to build forms and admin screens for WordPress Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-404-caching Full Page Cache for WordPress 404s Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-alleyvate Defaults for WordPress sites by Alley. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-asset-manager Asset Manager is a toolkit for managing front-end assets and more tightly controlling where, when, and how they're loaded. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-big-pit The WordPress database table for everything else. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-block-audit-command Audit WordPress block usage in post content. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-block-converter Convert HTML into Gutenberg Blocks with PHP Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-block-debug Adds a panel to the WordPress block editor with a lot of information about the selected block, including methods to set attributes. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-bulk-task A library to assist with running performant bulk tasks against WordPress objects. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-caper Fluently distribute capabilities to roles in WordPress. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-captain-hook Tools for manipulating private action/filter callbacks in WordPress. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-command-palette Admin-wide command palette for easy access to setting pages. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-concurrent-remote-requests Feature plugin for concurrent HTTP remote requests Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-environment-switcher Easily switch between different site environments from the WordPress admin bar. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-experimental-features WP Experimental Features Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-filter-side-effects Use a WordPress filter like an action. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-find-one Query for and return one WordPress post, term, or other object, bypassing intermediate arrays. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-match-blocks Match WordPress blocks in the given content. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-newsletter-builder Interface to manage email newsletters Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-page-cache-control Control and modify the page cache for multiple hosting providers. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-path-dispatch Simply and easily add a URL which fires an action, triggers a callback, and/or loads a template. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-plugin-loader Code-enabled WordPress plugin loading Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-psr16 PSR-16 implementations for WordPress that cache data in the object cache, as transients, as options, and as object metadata. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-rest-api-guard Restrict and control access to the REST API Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-seo WP SEO is designed for professionals who want to build a solid foundation for an SEO-friendly website. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-theme-migrator A library to migrate to a new WordPress theme incrementally. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-to-psr-4 Migrate a WordPress-style code base to PSR-4 file structure. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-type-extensions PHP interfaces and implementations for WordPress. Dependency Badge
alleyinteractive/wp-video-sync Sync videos from a hosting provider to WordPress Dependency Badge