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Packages from allejo

Package Status
allejo/bzbb-authentication-bundle A Symfony bundle adding authentication with the BZFlag forums Dependency Badge
allejo/bzflag-networking.php A library for unpacking BZFlag network packets Dependency Badge
allejo/bzflag-rendering.php A library for rendering thumbnails of BZFlag worlds Dependency Badge
allejo/bzion A CMS for BZFlag leagues offered as a replacement for the bz-owl project Dependency Badge
allejo/php-pulse A wrapper for working with the (formerly known as DaPulse) API Dependency Badge
allejo/php-soda A PHP library for working with the Socrata API Dependency Badge
allejo/php-vcr-sanitizer Bring privacy to php-vcr by excluding API keys, passwords, and credentials from your recordings Dependency Badge
allejo/php-wufoo A wrapper for working with the Wufoo API Dependency Badge
allejo/resource-watcher Simple PHP resource watcher library - no Laravel dependencies Dependency Badge
allejo/rosetta-php-script A library for translating JavaScript into PHP Dependency Badge