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Packages from ajbdev

Package Status
ajbdev/authorizenet-php-api Authorize.NET PHP library with composer support Dependency Badge
ajbdev/contain-reverse-mapper Generate Contain entities from your database Dependency Badge
ajbdev/cronlingo Express crontabs as human readable phrases Dependency Badge
ajbdev/payment-gateway-bundle This includes a single implementation for a connection to Authorize.NET AIM Service Dependency Badge
ajbdev/php-struct Structs for PHP Dependency Badge
ajbdev/requirejs RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. Dependency Badge
ajbdev/scraper Scrape websites and extract specific information in various format (HTML, JSON, etc) from different sources Dependency Badge
ajbdev/twigjspackagist Twig.js is a pure JavaScript implementation of the Twig PHP templating language ( Dependency Badge