15 total, 6 outdated
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
aeon-php/calendar | PHP type safe, immutable calendar library | ^1.0 | 1.0.11 | up to date |
composer/semver | Semver library that offers utilities, version constraint parsing and validation. | ^3.2 | 3.4.3 | up to date |
http-interop/http-factory-guzzle | An HTTP Factory using Guzzle PSR7 | ^1.0 | 1.2.0 | up to date |
knplabs/github-api | GitHub API v3 client | ^3.0 | v3.16.0 | up to date |
league/commonmark | Highly-extensible PHP Markdown parser which fully supports the CommonMark spec and GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM) | ^2.0 | 2.6.1 | up to date |
monolog/monolog | Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services | ^3.2 | 3.8.1 | up to date |
php-http/logger-plugin | PSR-3 Logger plugin for HTTPlug | ^1.2 | 1.4.0 | up to date |
ramsey/conventional-commits | A PHP library for creating and validating commit messages according to the Conventional Commits specification. Includes a CaptainHook action! | ^1.1 | 1.6.0 | up to date |
symfony/cache | Provides extended PSR-6, PSR-16 (and tags) implementations | ^6.2 | v7.2.4 | outdated |
symfony/console | Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces | ^6.2 | v7.2.1 | outdated |
symfony/css-selector | Converts CSS selectors to XPath expressions | ^6.2 | v7.2.0 | outdated |
symfony/dom-crawler | Eases DOM navigation for HTML and XML documents | ^6.2 | v7.2.4 | outdated |
symfony/http-client | Provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously | ^6.2 | v7.2.4 | outdated |
symfony/monolog-bridge | Provides integration for Monolog with various Symfony components | ^6.2 | v7.2.0 | outdated |
twig/twig | Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP | ^3.1 | v3.20.0 | up to date |
1 total, all up-to-date
Package | Required | Latest | Status | |
coduo/php-matcher | PHP Matcher enables you to match values with patterns | ^6.0.0 | 6.0.17 | up to date |