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Packages from adrenalinkin

Package Status
adrenalinkin/config-helper Extends Symfony Dependency Injection Component and provides store configurations in each bundles separately by common yaml-file Dependency Badge
adrenalinkin/custom-assets-bundle Provides creating assets from the custom sources. Work like an assets:install Dependency Badge
adrenalinkin/doctrine-naming-strategy Camel Case Doctrine ORM naming strategy Dependency Badge
adrenalinkin/doctrine-utc-date-time Provides Doctrine DBAL date and time types for storing in UTC format into database Dependency Badge
adrenalinkin/entity-helper-bundle This bundle provides help for the work with entities which managed by Doctrine Dependency Badge
adrenalinkin/enum-mapper Component provides easy way to emulate ENUM behaviour on the PHP layer instead database and convert DB value into human representation and vise versa Dependency Badge
adrenalinkin/enum-property-bundle Provides integration EnumMapper component with Symfony Dependency Badge
adrenalinkin/monolog-autowire-bundle Provides autowiring for the loggers registered by symfony/monolog-bundle Dependency Badge
adrenalinkin/swagger-resolver-bundle Provides possibility for validate data according to Swagger documentation Dependency Badge
adrenalinkin/visualize-entity-bundle Provides possibility for visualize entity data by yaml configuration Dependency Badge