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Packages from adamwathan

Package Status
adamwathan/bootforms Just a Formbuilder with some Bootstrap specific conveniences. Remembers old input, retrieves error messages and handles all your boilerplate Bootstrap markup automatically. Dependency Badge
adamwathan/eloquent-oauth Stupid simple OAuth authentication with Laravel and Eloquent Dependency Badge
adamwathan/eloquent-oauth-l4 Stupid simple OAuth authentication with Laravel and Eloquent Dependency Badge
adamwathan/eloquent-oauth-l5 Stupid simple OAuth authentication with Laravel and Eloquent Dependency Badge
adamwathan/facktory An attempt at bringing the wonders of Ruby's FactoryGirl to PHP Dependency Badge
adamwathan/faktory An attempt at bringing the wonders of Ruby's FactoryGirl to PHP Dependency Badge
adamwathan/form A basic framework agnostic form building package with a few extra niceties like remembering old input and retrieving error messages. Dependency Badge