
6 total, 1 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
axllent/silverstripe-scaled-uploads Automatically scale down and rotate uploaded images for Silverstripe * 2.3.6 up to date
axllent/silverstripe-version-truncator Automatically delete old versioned Silverstripe records from the database * 3.1.1 up to date
jonom/silverstripe-betternavigator Front-end utility menu for Silverstripe websites featuring administration and development tools * 6.1.0 up to date
silverstripe/cms The SilverStripe Content Management System * 5.3.2 up to date
silverstripe/framework The SilverStripe framework 3.7.x-dev 5.3.15 outdated
silverstripe/redirectedurls Provides a system for users to configure arbitrary redirections in the CMS * 3.0.1 up to date

Requires (dev)

4 total, 3 outdated

Package Required Latest Status
axyr/silverstripe-ideannotator Generate PHP DocBlock annotations for DataObject and DataExtension databasefields and relation methods dev-master 3.1.1 outdated
gdmedia/ss-auto-git-ignore A Composer post-update-cmd script to automatically add Composer managed SilverStripe modules and themes to .gitignore ^1.0 1.0.2 up to date
lekoala/silverstripe-debugbar DebugBar for SilverStripe CMS ^1.0 3.0.6 outdated
phpunit/phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. ~3.7 12.0.4 outdated