.Package | Status | |
10up/10up-code-review | Specialized rulesets to help aid in code reviews for 10up WordPress projects. | |
10up/10up-experience | The 10up Experience plugin configures WordPress to better protect and inform clients, aligned to 10up's best practices | |
10up/async-transients | Transients, that regenerate asynchronously once content is expired, and serve stale content in the mean time | |
10up/debug-bar-elasticpress | Extends the Debug Bar plugin for usage with ElasticPress | |
10up/elasticpress | Supercharge WordPress with Elasticsearch. | |
10up/elasticpress-autosuggest | Extend ElasticPress's search inputs to display search suggestions | |
10up/headless-wp-plugin | 10up Headless WordPress API Plugin | |
10up/http | HTTP Header wrapper. | |
10up/nodeifywp | API for turning a WordPress theme into an isomorphic JavaScript application. Requires V8Js for PHP. | |
10up/phpcs-composer | 10up's PHP CodeSniffer Ruleset | |
10up/post-finder | Adds a UI for curating and ordering posts | |
10up/simple-local-avatars | Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar! | |
10up/swiftstream | Image lazy-loader for WordPress. | |
10up/tenup-sitemaps | 10up Sitemaps | |
10up/twentysixteenreact | Twenty Sixteen is a WordPress theme and an isomorphic React.js application using NodeifyWP. | |
10up/wpacceptance | Test code using acceptance tests and sharable, defined file and database snapshots. | |
10up/wpassure | Test code using acceptance tests and sharable, defined file and database snapshots. | |
10up/wpcli-vulnerability-scanner | Check installed plugins and themes for vulnerabilities | |
10up/wp-codeception | The WordPress Plugin which integrates with the Codeception PHP testing framework and allows you to write and run Codeception tests for WordPress via WP CLI. | |
10up/wp-content-connect | WordPress library that enables direct relationships for posts to posts and posts to users. | |
10up/wp-framework | A framework for building WordPress themes and plugins. | |
10up/wp-gears | Job Queue for WordPress | |
10up/wpinstructions | Run human-readable WordPress commands | |
10up/wp-minions | Job Queue for WordPress | |
10up/wp_mock | A mocking library to take the pain out of unit testing for WordPress | |
10up/wp-scrubber | ||
10up/wpsnapshots | A project syncing tool for WordPress. |